Once upon a time there lived an old man and
an old woman. They ran out of food, had no
meat, and little bread. So, the old man
- Well, my wife, I’ll go to the forest,
perhaps, I’ll find something to eat.
He got up, dressed himself, put on his shoes,
took his axe and went to the forest. The old
woman stayed at home. The man walked and
walked and suddenly! He saw a bear lying
under a fir tree. He got closer - the bear
was sleeping - took the axe from his belt,
and all of a sudden hit bear’s paw. The paw
fell cut off. His axe by the belt, and the
bear paw on the shoulder, the man went home.
He came home, skinned the paw and gave the
meat to the wife, saying:
- Here it is, cook it. Let us eat our fill
Okay, let’s, - said the woman.
- I’m already puting the pot on the stove
and kindling the fire.
Meanwhile, the bear woke up and found his paw
missing. He looked around and saw a linden. So
he cut down a branch and made the linden paw.
Then he cut down a birch tree to make a walking
stick, and made his way to the village.
The old man said:
- I will go to the forest today. You’d better
lock the door tightly, as the bear may come
to look for his paw.
The old man went away and told his wife to lock
the door tightly. So she did. And the bear is
walking and singing. The woman began to spin.
She cut the hair off the bear’s skin, tied it
to the spinning-wheel and started spinning and
singing, while the meat is boiling. She was
sitting on the bear’s skin when the bear came
and said:
- Skirly-skirly,
On the linden paw,
With the birch stick.
The whole village is asleep,
Only the old woman isn’t sleeping,
Sitting on my skin,
Cooking my meat,
Spinning my wool.
Old woman, old woman,
I’ll eat you with bones!
He came up to the door, knocked and knocked but
the old woman did not open the door. He turned
back and went to the forest. The husband came
home and asked:
-Did anybody come?
-Oh, dear! The bear came, he knocked and
knocked. I locked the door in good time
(Lucky I am!) and did not let him in. So he went
They ate the meat and went to sleep. The next day
the old man said:
- I will go to the forest again.
Lock the door tightly.
The old woman locked the door and the old man went
away. The bear is walking the same way and singing
a song:
- Skirly-skirly,
On the linden paw,
With the birch stick.
The whole village is asleep,
Only the old woman isn’t sleeping,
Sitting on my skin,
Cooking my meat,
Spinning my wool.
Old woman, old woman,
I’ll eat you with bones!
(If he gets in, he will eat without remainder).
The bear knocked and knocked at the door, but the
old woman did not let him in again. He turned back
and went to the forest as the day before. But he
really wanted to find his paw. Where was the paw?
Where did it disappear? The old man came home and
asked his wife again:
– Did anyone come?
– Yes, the bear came here again.
– So what about him?
He just knocked and did not say what he wanted.
So I did not open the door and he went away.
Another night they are asleep. And the old man
said again:
- The meat comes to an end. Wife, the meat is
over, I have to catch someone, a hare or a fox?
Let me take my axe and go to the forest.
The old man stood up and went to the forest, having
forgotten to warn his wife to lock the door. So the
old woman forgot to lock the door either. The old
man was in the forest, when the bear made his way
to their house, smelling the meat.
He came up singing:
- Skirly-skirly,
On the linden paw,
With the birch stick.
The whole village is asleep,
Only the old woman isn’t sleeping,
Sitting on my skin,
Cooking my meat,
Spinning my wool.
Old woman, old woman,
I’ll eat you with bones, if I get in!
The door was opened so he came in. The old woman
- Ouch! I’ve forgotten to lock the door.
The bear will eat me now!
The bear came into the house and ate the old woman.
He wrapped her bones in a shawl and put the shawl
onto the bench. Then the bear went back to the
forest. The old man turned back from the forest:
- Why don’t you welcome me, wife? She keeps silent
and the door is opened. What’s the matter?
He came into the house and found it empty. There
was the spinning-wheel and the shawl on the bench.
He unwrapped the shawl and found the old woman’s
bones. So the old man broke into tears and stayed
all alone crying.
- He might still be crying.
- Perhaps he is still searching for her.
Олiсö-вöлiсö дед да баб. Нылöн сёяныс-то
бырсяс, яёкыс абу, нянёкыс етша. И вот
дед шуö:
— Ну-ко, бабыс, ме ветла вöрö, мыйкö
может и адзза.
Чеччас, пасьтасяс, кöмасяс, босьтас
черок и мунас вöрö. А баб кольччö гортö.
Мунас. Ветлöтас, ветлöтас. Адззö: кöз
ултын ош куйлö. Ошыс дынö локтас,
видзöтас, видзöтас — ошыс узьö. Черсö
коссис кыскас да кыдз сетас лапаыс кузя!
Кокыс и орас, лапаыс. Черсö бöр сюйыштас,
лапа пельпон вылö и бöр гортö мунас. Ну,
а сэсся гортö мунас, кучиксö куляс, яёксö
бабыслö сетö:
— На жö пу, кöть талун пöттöдз сёямö.
— Но пöттöдз, так пöттöдз, — бабыс шуö.
— Ме сейчас чугункасö пукта ни, горсö öзта.
А ош чеччас, кокыс абу. Видзöтас, видзöтас,
адззö: суалö липа. Липаись кералас палка,
керас липовöй кок, берёзаись тоже кералас
бедёк и мунö деревня вылö.
А старикыс шуö:
— Ме талун вöрö муна, а тэ бура игнась,
может и ошыс локтас коксö кошшыны.
Старик мунас, висьталас бура игнасьны.
Старука бöрсяняс жбан игналас. А ошыс локтö
и сьылö. А старука печканö гöноксö шырас
кучиксис, печкан дынö домалас и печкö, ачыс
песенка сьылö, пукалö, яйсö пуö. Ош кучикыс
вылö пуксьöма, пукалö. А ош локтö да и шуö:
— Скирлы-скирлы,
На липовой ноге,
На берёзовой клюке.
Вся деревня-то спит,
Одна баба не спит,
На моей коже сидит,
Моё мясо варит,
Моё шерсти прядёт.
Бабусень, бабусень,
Совсем сiтаннат сёя!
Локтас ыбöс дынö, йиркöтас, йиркöтас,
старука оз осьт. Бергöтчас, бöр мунас вöрö
ошыс. Хозяин локтас гортö, юалö:
— Но кинкö воллiс?
— Ой, старик, ошыс локтiс, йиркöтiс,
йиркöтiс. Да батя кыдзкö одзжык игнаси да
эг осьт ыбöссö. И бöр мунiс.
Яёк сёйыштасö, ужнайтасö, водасö. Ашынас
старик бöра шуö:
— Ме эшö талун ветла вöрас, бура игнась.
Игнасяс. Мунас. Бöра ошыс сiдз жö, снова
тем путём локтö, песенка сьылö:
— Скирлы-скирлы,
На липовой ноге,
На берёзовой клюке.
Вся деревня-то спит,
Одна баба не спит,
На моей коже сидит,
Моё шерсти прядёт,
Моё мясо варит.
Бабусень, бабусень,
Совсем сiтаннат сёя!
(Пырас если, так быдöс сёяс).
Йиркöтас, йиркöтас, бабыс снова оз осьт
ыбöссö. Бергöтчас и сiдз жö бöра мунас ошыс
вöрö бöр. А сё бы кошшö коксö. Кытöн сылöн
кокыс, öшыс кытчö?
Но старик локтас гортö, бöра юалö:
— Мый, кинкö воллiс?
— Да бöра ошыс воллiс.
— И мый сiя?
— Вот йиркöтiс, а оз висьтал, мый колö. Да
ме эг осьт. Бöр мунiс.
Ну, на третью ночь узясö. Старик бöра шуö:
— Яёкыс бырсьö ни. Старука, яйным бырсьö,
колö эд бöра кинöскö кутны, то ли кöчокöс,
то ли лиса может кутамö. Ветла бöра
вöрокас, черöс босьта да.
Старик чеччис, петiс, мунiс вöрö. А шыасьны
вунöтiс, чтоб старука игнасис. А старука
вунöтiс тожö игнасьны. Вот мунас вöрö. А ош
бöра иньдöтчö старукаыс дынö. Запакыс сьöртi
локтö эд. Но локтö, и песенканас, сiйö жö
бöра сьылö:
— Скирлы-скирлы,
На липовой ноге,
На берёзовой клюке.
Вся деревня-то спит,
Одна баба не спит,
На моей коже сидит,
Моё мясо варит,
Моё шерсти прядёт.
Бабусень, бабусень,
Пыра кö, совсем сiтаннат сёя!
А локтiс, уже ыбöсыс осьта, и пырö ни.
— Май, май! Вунöтi игнасьны. Сяс мый
нö лоас!? Ошыс сёяс!
Пырис керкуас ошыс, старукасö сёйис,
коскаоккесö чышьянокас домалiс и сэтчö пуктiс
лавочкаыс вылö.
Петас, бöр мунöм. А старикыс локтiс:
— Мый нö талун старука менö оз пантал? Шы оз
И ыбöсыс осьта. Мыйнö сэтшöмыс?
Пырас, а сылöн старукаыс абу. Сэтöн печканыс,
сэтöн чышьянокас мыйкö домалöм узöлок. Осьтас,
а сэтöн токо коскаэз старукаыслöн. Вот и
старик понас горзыны. Сiдз и кольчас сэтчö
öтнас горзытöн. Счас натьтö горзö.
А наверно, старукасö сё кошшö.